0:00: nothing happening
3:15 : start conference
8:15 : lecture of Andreas Kalcker (language German, later, other speakers will repeat a lot of his info in English)

  • preassumptions against ClO2.
  • history of ClO2
  • leveling up from MMS (not pure) to CDS (pure chlorine dioxide solution)
  • WHO / FDA warnings against MMS (not applying on CDS)

13:00: CDS is pH-neutral

13:40: patent Kalcker on Hypoxy (corona problem)

15:15: drinking CDS leads to...

  • increase of oxygen in the blood
  • increase of pH-value of the body
  • decrease of milky acid
  • improvement of createnine-values

16:11: the boiling point of chloordioxide is 11°C (51,8 °F). In the stomach, having a temperature of 36°C (96,8 °F), ClO2 vapourizes into a gas. The ClO2 penetrates the stomach lining and passes the interstium into the bloodvessel. As soon as ClO2 encounters something acidical, “eine protoiezierte zone ???”, that may be: lactic acid, inflammation, virussus, bacteria and fungi, the simple molecule ClO2 dissociates itself.  

17:00: ClO2 is a chlorine-ION. It is not an elementar chloride atom!!! The chlorine ion has a charge. The proces following leads to alkalinisation. Where ClO2 dissociates, oxygen becomes available. The oxygen will only react with virussus. It won't damage body tissue.

20:00: High ferritine-values and high histamine-values because of cytokinestorm are lowered by ClO2

21:50: ClO2 is a very small molecule that can pass any membrane. In sickness the ClO2 can arrive quickly to the cause, oxygizes with the cause and thereby releases oxygen which enable the mitochondria to reactivate

23:00: getting poisened by CDS is impossible

  • In Mexico somebody offered officially a reward of $1.000.000 for the one who can proof toxification of people by use of CDS.

24:39: the chlorine ion dissociates into kitchen salt
25:35: obviously the COVID-statistics in Bolivia are a lot different from surrounding countries like Brasil. In Bolivia chlorine dioxide is used massively as a medicine

26:48: Also in Mexico ClO2 get used a lot, espacially by militair staff. Militaire hospitols leaded the use of chlorine dioxide in Mexico.

27:00: several villages and cities using chlorine dioxide are now declared as a “green zone” (name of Bolivian city was mentioned "samberesequitos??"

28:15: we encounterd COVID-19 patiënts with oxygen < 50% and ferritine > 2000

29:50: many doktors and caretakes have died during the pandemy. Now, next to vaccine, there is another way to protect people against COVID-19.

  • 100% effective in fase 1 and 2a: very short recovery period: 4 to 7 days
  • Covid-19-patiënts past fase 2a needed 20 days to recover from Covid-19
  • Also very effective for profylactisch use: of the 4000 COMUSAV-doktors who used ClO2 profylacticly, nobody got COVID-19
  • Many post-COVID-19d-patiënts: highly effective against these symptoms after 21 dagen of ingestion of CDS

*** End of Kalckers speach ***


Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (chairman)
32:00: in Austria there is a group of dokters who is supporting the use of chlorine dioxide as a medicine against corona
34:00: question from audience: is ClO2 effectief tegen diabetes type 1?

  • Kalcker: of diabetes type 1 I only know about 1 case of very good results of ClO2
  •  of diabetes type 2 there are many examples of improvement where insuline became unnecessary (until today)

37:00: question about redbrown urine, Herxheimereffect is providing temporary compliants