Cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, even simple old age, have a common cause, the inability of the cell to export entropy outside the body in the harmless form of heat. It is possible that one day the treatment of these clinically so different diseases will be the same. The development of infrared chambers was not for healing cancer but for reducing the stigmata of aging. Preliminary studies suggest that infrared light is effective in the treatment of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson.
Berman, M. H., Halper, J. P., Nichols, T. W., Jarrett, H., Lundy, A., & Huang, J. H. (2017). Photobiomodulation with near infrared light helmet in a pilot, placebo controlled clinical trial in dementia patients testing memory and cognition. Journal of neurology
Johnstone, D. M., Moro, C., Stone, J., Benabid, A. L., & Mitrofanis, J. (2016). Turning on lights to stop neurodegeneration: the potential of near infrared light therapy in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. Frontiers in neuroscience, 9, 500.
and neuroscience, 8(1).
The history of α-lipoic dates back to the 1950s. German industry was responsible for the development of this drug. The first use of α-lipoic acid was for peripheral neuropathy. Usually as a result of diabetes, peripheral nerves loose energy. The patient gradually looses peripheral sensitivity. In our medical jargon, we say that he has the sensation of having cotton legs. Neuropathy can have other causes besides diabetes. Multiple randomized clinical trials demonstrate its efficacy.
Mijnhout, G. S., Kollen, B. J., Alkhalaf, A., Kleefstra, N., & Bilo, H. J. (2012). Alpha lipoic acid for symptomatic peripheral neuropathy in patients with diabetes: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. International Journal of Endocrinology, 2012.
Lipoic acid stimulates energy efficiency. We have a colleague and friend being for a long time referring doctor for a cycling team of the famous “Tour de France”. Many athletes take α-lipoic acid on their own to improve their results.
Lipoic acid has been tested in diseases related to aging. A dose of 600 mg twice a day appears to slow the progression of the disease.
Hager, K., Kenklies, M., McAfoose, J., Engel, J., Münch, G. (2007). α-lipoic acid as a new treatment option for Alzheimer's disease — A 48 months follow-up analysis. In Neuropsychiatric Disorders An Integrative Approach (pp. 189-193). Springer, Vienna.
Another randomized trial compares taking α-lipoic acid and fatty acids to a placebo. Despite a rather small number of people, this clinical trial was positive.
Shinto, L., Quinn, J., Montine, T., Dodge, HH, Woodwar d, W., Baldauf-Wagner, S., Kaye, J. (2014). A randomized placebo-controlled pilot trial of omega-3 fatty acids and alpha lipoic acid in Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's disease , 38 (1), 111-120.
High dose intravenous Vitamin C is frequently prescribed in health centers for the treatment of inflammation. This treatment appears effective at decreasing inflammation.
Mikirova, N., Casciari, J., Rogers, A., & Taylor, P. (2012). Effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C on inflammation in cancer patients. Journal of translational medicine, 10(1), 189.
There is also substantial evidence that Vitamin C may prevent neurodegenerative diseases.
Harrison, F. E. (2012). A critical review of vitamin C for the prevention of age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 29(4), 711-726.
Methylene Blue is another drug, which, by stimulating the mitochondria, appears to be effective in many diseases. Methylene Blue improves memory.
Rodriguez, P., Zhou, W., Barrett, DW, Altmeyer, W., Gutierrez, JE, Li, J., Duong, TQ (2016). Multimodal randomized functional MR imaging of the effects of methylene blue in the human brain. Radiology , 281 (2), 516-526.
It also calms fears following a trauma and PTSD.
Zoellner, LA, Telch, M., Foa, EB, Farach, FJ, McLean, CP, Gallop, R., Gonzalez-Lima, F. (2017). Enhancing extinction learning in posttraumatic stress disorder with brief daily imaginal exposure and methylene blue: a randomized controlled trial. The Journal of clinical psychiatry , 78 (7), e782-e789.
It is also active in the treatment of depressive episodes.
Alda, M., McKinnon, M., Blagdon, R., Garnham, J., MacLellan, S., O'Donovan, C., MacQueen, G. (2017). Methylene blue treatment for residual symptoms of bipolar disorder: randomized crossover study. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 210 (1), 54-60.
The story of this drug does not end there. In the 1990s, more than a hundred years after its discovery, there was proof of the efficacy of Methylene Blue in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
Schirmer, RH, Adler, H., Pickhardt, M., Mandelkow, E. (2011). Lest we forget you — methylene blue…. Neurobiology of aging , 32 (12), 2325-e7.
Methylene Blue reduces the importance of ischemic strokes.
Shen, Q., Du, F., Huang, S., Rodriguez, P., Watts, LT, Duong, TQ (2013). Neuroprotective efficacy of methylene blue in ischemic stroke: an MRI study. PLoS One , 8 (11), e79833.
Methylene Blue's biochemistry has been known since the 1930s, it stimulates cellular respiration. Even today in case of cyanide poisoning, the doctor uses Methylene Blue. Cyanide is a poison for the mitochondria; Methylene Blue injected quickly can save the poisoned.
We do not understand why these clinical trials with Methylene Blue or lipoic acid did not have more impact. The main reason may be financial. These molecules have long since fallen into the public domain and are no longer covered by a patent. It would be up to the public authorities to push this alternative.
The patients treated by Methylene Blue or ketogenic diet state that they are more alert. Sport becomes easier. They often feel in great shape are more intellectually agile and often more talkative. Their brain and muscle mitochondria were probably also reactivated.
Today, many patients report improvements or even cures of aggressive cancers by treatments that traditional medicine does not understand. Some cases have been reported here. Many more testimonies are collected on the internet. Let's make a bet that these people are telling the truth. We, physicians will have to organize ourselves to test these approaches and analyze the results in a more scientific fashion.We will have to assert if these remissions are transient or true healings. It will probably be necessary to organize these treatments, set up care facilities, standardize the supply of certified drugs. Patients must stop buying drugs over the internet from unknown and unverified vendors. Doctors will have to be trained to supervise these treatments. It is a time for the explorers of which we are. It is a time for standardized management and treatment protocols, this time effective for cancer.
As for us, we have so much to understand. This is a never-ending quest. But this is what we know to do.