/LABORATORY ANIMALS: Chronic Exposure or Carcinogenicity/ The toxicity of chlorine dioxide (0, 1, 10, 100, 1000 mg/L) was studied in rats.

  • After 9 months of treatment, the osmotic fragility of red blood cells was decreased in all groups.
  • After 9 months, erythrocyte counts, hematocrit, and hemoglobin were decreased in all groups.
  • Chlorine dioxide admininistration in drinking water for 3 months inhibited the incorporation of (3)H-thymidine into nuclei of rat testes. This inhibition was observed in the kidney of rats treated with 100 mg chlorine dioxide/L. The incorporation in small intestinal nuclei was increased in rats treated with both 10 and 100 mg chlorine dioxide/L.
  • Body weight was decreased after 10 and 11 mo treatment.

Bron: Abdel-Rahman MS et al; J Am Coll Toxicol 3 (4): 277-84 (1984)


Commentaar CLO2.nl: Niet van toepassing!

  • periode van inname: 9 maanden...
  • 1 mg chlorine dioxide/L
  • 10 mg chlorine dioxide/L
  • 100 mg chlorine dioxide/L
  • 1000 mg chlorine dioxide/L
  • niet vergelijkbaar met een MMS-protocol.

Dit onderzoek toont m.i. aan dat langdurig/chronisch gebruik van ClO2 leidt tot gezondheidsschade. Bij gebrek aan inzage in het volledige onderzoek, valt niet te beoordelen hoeveel mg/kg LG deze ratten dagelijk binnen kregen.