In vivo evaluation of the antiviral effect of ClO2 in chicken embryos inoculated with avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus

2020-10-14: "We found no gross or microscopic evidence of toxicity caused by ClO2 at the doses used herein. Our study shows that ClO2 could be a safe and viable option for controlling avian coronavirus, and raises the possibility that similar effects could be observed in other organisms."

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the US, consuming ClO2 can lead to adverse effects such as ‘vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, abdominal pain, metahemaglobinemia and systemic failures that could potentially lead to death’. However, an impartial review of the scientific peer-reviewed literature reveals few case reports of human patients presenting adverse effects after consumption of ClO2, none of which were fatal, and in all cases reversed completely after treatment (Kishan, 2009; Bathina et al., 2013; Romanovsky et al., 2013; Loh and Shafi, 2014). Published studies on ClO2 toxicity have reported null to mild effects in adult humans and other animals (e.g. Lubbers et al., 1982; Akamatsu et al., 2012; Ma et al., 2017) and have stressed that toxicity is strongly dose-dependent (Bercz et al., 1982; Hose et al., 1989; Ma et al., 2017). Interestingly, despite the voiced concerns, there are two drugs based on acidified sodium chloride (a precursor for generation of ClO2, named NP001 and WF10) that have been used intravenously in humans to treat diverse conditions, including diabetic foot ulcer and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), without reporting adverse reactions (Yingsakmongkol et al., 2011; Yingsakmongkol, 2013; Miller et al., 2015; Maraprygsavan et al., 2016).

Zambrano-Estrada, Xóchitla, Domínguez-Sánchez, Carlosb, Banuet-Martínez, Marinab, Guerrero de la Rosa, Fabiolab, García-Gasca, Teresac, Acevedo-Whitehouse, Karina

Laboratory of Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology. School of Natural Sciences. Autonomous University of Queretaro. Av. De las Ciencias S/N. Juriquilla, Queretaro. Qro. C.P.76230. Mexico,
Unit for Basic and Applied Microbiology. School of Natural Sciences. Autonomous University of Queretaro. Anillo Vial Fray Junípero Serra, Querétaro, Qro. C.P. 76140
Laboratory of Cellular Biology. School of Natural Sciences. Autonomous University of Queretaro. Av. De las Ciencias S/N. Juriquilla, Queretaro. Qro. C.P. 76230. Mexico


Commentaar wederom een grote groep wetenschappers die menen dat ClO2 moet worden onderzocht voor zijn bruikbaarheid tegen virussen als corona.