1990, bron: https://www.who.int/ water_sanitation_health/dwq/ chemicals/chlorateandchlorite0505.pdf

Sprague-Dawley rats (10 per sex per dose) were exposed to chlorine dioxide in drinking-water for 90 days

Water consumption was decreased in both sexes at the three highest dose levels, most likely because of reduced palatability. Food consumption was decreased in males receiving the highest dose. Goblet cell hyperplasia was significantly increased in the nasal turbinates of females given 8 or 15 mg/kg of body weight per day and males at all doses. Inflammation of the nasal cavity was observed in males at 2 mg/kg of body weight per day and in both sexes at higher doses. The lesions were likely caused by inhalation of chlorine dioxide vapours at the drinking-water sipper tube or from offgassing of the vapours after drinking, rather than by ingestion of drinking-water. The authors concluded that the lowest dose (2 mg/kg of body weight per day) was a LOAEL (Daniel et al., 1990).

Examinations included clinical observation, body weight, food and water consumption, pre-terminal hematology and blood biochemistry, a comprehensive range of organ weights, and extensive macroscopic and microscopic examinations. There were no treatment-related deaths or clinical signs of toxicity. Water consumption was reduced, in a dose-related manner, among all treated groups, but this was probably related to palatability. 

Bron: International Programme on Chemical Safety's Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents Number 37: Chlorine dioxide (2002). Available from, as of December 13, 2017: https://www.inchem.org/documents/cicads/cicads/cicad37.htm#8.4



Sprague-Dawley rats (10 per sex per dose) were exposed to chlorine dioxide in drinking-water for 90 days at dose levels of:



  • Hoeveelheid: 0 mg/kg body weight per day / Concentratie: 0 mg / liter
  • Hoeveelheid: 2 mg/kg body weight per day (0,16 x MMS-protocol) / Concentratie: 25 mg / liter (9x MMS-protocol)
  • Hoeveelheid: 4 mg/kg body weight per day (0,33 x MMS-protocol)/ Concentratie: 50 mg / liter (18x MMS-protocol)
  • Hoeveelheid: 6 mg/kg body weight per day (0,49 x MMS-protocol)/ Concentratie: 100 mg / liter (36x MMS-protocol)
  • Hoeveelheid: 12 mg/kg body weight per day (0,98x MMS-protocol) / Concentratie: 200 mg / liter (72x MMS-protocol)


  • Hoeveelheid: 0 mg/kg body weight per day / Concentratie: 0 mg / liter
  • Hoeveelheid: 2 mg/kg body weight per day (0,16 x MMS-protocol) / Concentratie: 25 mg / liter (9x MMS-protocol)
  • Hoeveelheid: 5 mg/kg body weight per day (0,41 x MMS-protocol) / Concentratie: 50 mg / liter (18x MMS-protocol)
  • Hoeveelheid: 8 mg/kg body weight per day (0,66 x MMS-protocol) / Concentratie: 100 mg / liter (36x MMS-protocol)
  • Hoeveelheid: 15 mg/kg body weight per day (1,23 x MMS-protocol) / Concentratie: 200 mg / liter (72x MMS-protocol)

Water consumption was decreased in both sexes at the three highest dose levels, most likely because of reduced palatability. Food consumption was decreased in males receiving the highest dose. Goblet cell hyperplasia was significantly increased in the nasal turbinates of females given 8 or 15 mg/kg of body weight per day and males at all doses. Inflammation of the nasal cavity was observed in males at 2 mg/kg of body weight per day and in both sexes at higher doses. The lesions were likely caused by inhalation of chlorine dioxide vapours at the drinking-water sipper tube or from offgassing of the vapours after drinking, rather than by ingestion of drinking-water. The authors concluded that the lowest dose (2 mg/kg of body weight per day) was a LOAEL (Daniel et al., 1990).


Examinations included clinical observation, body weight, food and water consumption, pre-terminal hematology and blood biochemistry, a comprehensive range of organ weights, and extensive macroscopic and microscopic examinations. There were no treatment-related deaths or clinical signs of toxicity. Water consumption was reduced, in a dose-related manner, among all treated groups, but this was probably related to palatability. 

Bron: International Programme on Chemical Safety's Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents Number 37: Chlorine dioxide (2002). Available from, as of December 13, 2017: http://www.inchem.org/pages/cicads.html

Commentaar CLO2.nl:  Heel interessant!

  • 12 mg/kg body weight per day in een hogere concentratie dan bij medicinaal gebruik van chloordioxide, dat is een waarde die corresponderen met Oeganda-protocol.
  • De ratten in dit onderzoek ontvingen ClO2 gedurende 90 dagen. Voor MMS-begrippen is dat ontzettend lang. Desondanks weinig schade aan de ratten.